Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Well! Back at it Again!

So, July is almost over, not sure when that happened but it is the reality as of now .

This month has been quite interesting so far, there has been a lot of "recoil" as I call it from the results of our 2nd place victory at NYC Music Hack day. Recoil can be misinterpreted, it has definitely been a series of good repercussions! We have had many groups of people and educators have expressed their interest in our efforts with Scratch and the MaKey MaKey.

Since the event itself, Graham, Dr. Ruthmann and myself have been working towards refining the Musical Construction Kit. We have four working prototypes so far, all of which will soon be on display over at the Construction Kit blog. That is the place to go from now on for more detailed information on the components of the Kit, coupled with high-res pictures and HD video taken along the way!

Alternatively, to make use of our available resources at the NYC Dev Shop, we have a spawning idea for a web app. Graham and I were listening to a few mixes of electronic music. Some of the song transitions were really painful to listen to since the tempos and, more importantly the key changes, were not complementary. So an Idea popped into my head, there should be a service that allows the user to load up two songs and that will give feedback as to whether the two songs will sound nice when mixed together!

The current title idea is smArt DJ, a rather fun play on words in my opinion :). The web app would seem to be relatively easy to construct as of now. I think the best solution would be to gather audio and information through the Echo Nest API. This services can fetch basically all the musically pertinent information from their database of about 50 million songs. Based on the information pulled from the Echo Nest, code can be written to show the used whether or not the songs will be compatible to mash together. Maybe it would look something like this...

I think this could be a really neat way for anyone to learn about successful song mixing as well as basic harmonic progression!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday: Coding By the Beach

So, the past weekend was pretty awesome!

I participated along with my coworker Graham Allen in the NY Music Ed Hack hosted by hacker league and Spotify!

What a fast couple of days, the time flew by and the result of our efforts was really cool. We won second place out of about 40 hacks with our MaKey MaKey Powered Musical Construction Kit. This victory provided us with $2000 in Amazon Web Services, along with 25 hours of development and consulting time with the folks at NYC Dev Shop! Neither of us really expected a second place victory out of all the hacks presented, but nonetheless it was a very pleasant surprise! Spending some time in the big apple was fun, but i've decided that it really isn't my scene, way too crowded :).

Now I'm down in Plymouth MA at our summer house for the week, the weather is nice as of now, but you can never really be sure. I've been doing some coding by the beach, which is really nice and relaxing. I dove back into Code Academy's html class, I need to get up to speed with html and javascript so that I can begin to work with some of the API's presented at Music Hack Day. We're hoping to maybe develop a web service coupled with our musical construction kit that will integrate some features provided by online musical databases and music listening sites like Soundcloud and Spotify. I forgot how easy it was to go through the motions and learn languages through Code Academy's website, really a great resource for anyone looking to get into coding. This whole project is growing to be som much more than just a chord playing board, I'm getting excited for all the possible directions that it might be pushed towards. Anything is possible as of now, exciting!

Goodnight all,


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thursday: Exciting Times Await!

Tomorrow we're off to New York for the music hackathon! I'm really excited to see what others will create or have already created. Plus, it's always nice to visit New York City every once in a while. We'll be staying in Brooklyn for the weekend and traveling into Manhattan for the Hacking events. Fun stuff!

So, today I've almost completely finished the video to accompany the MaKey MaKey Chord Board. It's been quite an evolution from the concept to the prototyping to where it is now! We recorded some short bits of footage today which presented alternative uses for the MMCB. Graham demonstrated the MMCB's usefulness as a musical accompaniment tool and I demonstrated how the MMCB can branch out as a D.I.Y. sampling instrument!

All that's left is some editing and rendering and then we'll have a nice little set of videos to go along with our project for the music hack day and also the MaKey MaKey contest. The contest submission due date is June 30th which is Sunday! Man, that creeped up on us quicker than expected (even though the original due date was about two weeks earlier).

Just a quick disclaimer: My short sampling clip is goofy! But, that's how it goes sometimes!

Now to head home and get packin' for the hackin'!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wednesday: Backtracking...

Apart from being low on sleep, today was set out to be a normal Wednesday. Then I opened, or tried to open up the Final Cut project for our instructional video and...nothing. Seems that Final Cut was on the fritz yet again. So, i had to reinstall the program and, unfortunately, start all over from scratch.  I was able to reconstruct about 90 percent of the video from the new install. So all that's left is to record a little more footage and then the video will finally be done! Just in time too, since the contest deadline is the 30th.

The reconstruction was quite tiring, i'm burnt out for the day.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday: Ideas, Ideas and More Ideas!

One large problem with the MaKey Makey Chord Board was solved today, the annoying re-triggering of the inputs. This definitely made playing the MMCB more difficult than it should have been. If one held the button for too long, the chord would re-trigger many times per second, which was confusing and slowed down the experience of playing the Chord Board itself. 

At first I had thought that the main problem lied within the MaKey MaKey's firmware, so I tried for about an hourd to add some sort of delay into the input state change section of the firmware. There was even a function called "add Delay" but it was of no use. 

It is simple to just tack on a millisecond amount delay within the Arduino firmware, but after repeated failed attempts doing so, it was apparent that the problem lay not within the MaKey MaKey but within Scratch. Since Scratch is controlling the playback of the chords, it must interpret the input it receives from the MaKey MaKey and if so, then Scratch might be able to alter the timing of the triggered chords. 

Enter Dr. Ruthmann, who always seems to find a nice, simple solution. The key consideration was that Scratch was not directly triggering the chord when the button on the MaKey MaKey was pressed, instead each button when received corresponded to a broadcast message, then another block of code received the broadcast and provided the if/then statements to play the chord either in root position or in first or second inversion. Here's the visual. 

In this state, the broadcast is sent continuously when any button is held down. This is the annoying thing I mentioned above. So, how did we get rid of it? Dr. Ruthmann found an elegant solution using only three extra Scratch Blocks. The new command when a key is pressed reads like this, when x key is pressed, broadcast a message, BUT wait until the key is released to send the message. The new code looks like this, very simple. 

Viola, that little addition quieted the re-triggering instantly. Now we just have to paste that into all the other blocks for the other instruments and everything will be all right. 

Now, I mentioned Ideas in the title, there were so many ideas flying around today. Since the MMCB was in a good place as far as prototyping goes, Dr. Ruthmann and I brainstormed for a while about possible new directions for the musically oriented MaKey MaKey as well as possible ways to repurpose the MMCB into a musical kit with multiple projects. 

Three new creatures came out of the brainstorm, the first was a simple piano layout design that would be familiar to people who have some keyboarding experience or who want to gain experience on the keyboard. This would be nice and easy to construct, wither using the tacks currently in use or maybe using strips of metal plated tape to form the piano keys.

The Second new device is really a new instrument, completely different that anything we'd though of making before. This project would be a chromatic-layout melodic instrument. Keeping the same heptagonal pattern as the MMCB, two conductive rings would be added the original pattern widened out a bit. Here's a little mock-up design I put together just now. 

This is cool since the traditional piano layout is again replaced with a much more natural design. Also, the user has the option of hitting the plus and minus semitone buttons at with the tacks on the right side, or the same operation can be done by touching the inner and outer loops around the notes. This means that the user can play a note and pitch shift with one finger! Cool stuff and definitely a promising idea for the MaKey MaKey Music Kit.

The third idea floating around was for a drumkit setup for the MaKey MaKey. At first, this was slated to be the "simple" project, the one that was for the most part plug-and-play from the get-go. It then evolved into something much more in depth and educational. Now, the plan is to have some element of spatial sound representation in the drums themselves. I'd sample the drum kit, mic'ing the instruments with close and far microphone placement. THe samples will be processed into stereo files in order to provide a sense of space when triggered by the user. But, the design goes further. Using the far mic placement samples, we can create two kit sounds, one more direct and the other more ambient. While just plain cool in the first place, this also brings up possible educational applications in the area of critical listening. This could be a very neat way to help musicians, or anybody in learning how to perceive auditory spacial differences. I think this one will be a lot of fun to make and, even better, it gives me another reason to bash on the drum set at home!

That's a lot of stuff all rolled into one day! Now i'm off to the gym and before I know it, Friday will be upon us we'll be off to New York for Music Hack Day!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thursday: The Little Fixin's

Today wasn't so much about making the next big step in the Chord Board evolutionary track. Today, at least for me, was about tying up some of the loose ends of the documentation and some troubleshooting of the MMCB itself.

On the side of tying up loose ends, we had to replace a few scenes of B roll for the MMCB promotional video. I cleaned up the interview footage we took and pieced it together into a nice little sequence. We took new footage of the MaKey MaKey Chord Board in use. Then it was on to color grading and editing,  which I find really amazingly powerful. Color grading can do some amazing things to make your film look accurate or as stylized as you could possibly imagine.

As for the troubleshooting side of things, we move to the MaKey MaKey and its integration with the Arduino editor software. A problem we've encountered for a while is the very fast re-trigger time on the buttons (inputs) of the MaKey MaKey. If we don't lift our fingers up quickly from the scale degree or inversion buttons, they will begin triggering their functions in a very rapid loop.    This had become tiresome to deal with, so I set out to "de-bounce" the hardware inputs on the MaKey MaKey. 

De-Bounce? Yeah, that's the term for basically setting a small delay between sensor input and performing the assigned task. Basically, the inputs sense our fingers very rapidly when the circuit is completed. Now, the MaKey MaKey senses "on" and "off" by way of voltage. Completing the circuit with a finger brings full voltage to the wire and the input on the MaKey MaKey, full voltage equals "on". When we release a finger from the button, the voltage drops down to zero, this equals "off" in the MaKey MaKey's logic. This isn't all of the story though. When a button is pressed, the voltage doesn't go all the way up instantly. In fact, the voltage "bounces" up and down from zero to full a couple of times before settling to a specific value. In order to stop confusing the MaKey MaKey, we have to write a "de-bounce" function. This will instantiate a small time delay between the pressing of a button and the carrying out of the action associated with the button. This delay only has to be a few milliseconds, enough to let the voltage settle down, but also quick enough that we don't notice a tactile delay when using the MMCB.

I'll be taking home the Makey MaKey Chord Board tonight so that I can work with the arduino code to implement this function into the firmware of the MaKey MaKey. Fun times ahead! I'm starting to bridge the gap between programming language and the physical application, i guess i'm realizing that computer language should be though of in the sense of real world functions. That's making it a bit easier for me understand, at least. 

Tomorrow's Friday once again so, happy Friday in advance!

Have a good night.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wednesday: Travel, Who Knew?

Exciting things to come, Dr. Ruthmann has told us about an exciting opportunity to get involved with music technology in New York. I'm really interested to see ideas generated by others that repurpose existing technology for a musical application. It seems that there will also be some sort of contest during the two days for the best "musical hack". Plus, this will be a nice opportunity to get out of the Bay state for a little bit.

Today's activities included a little bit of troubleshooting with the MaKey MaKey Chord Board 2.0. There was a considerable delay from the instance of pressing the button and triggering the chord on the computer. We switched back to the old plain nickel tacks and sure enough, the chord playback was back to the normal level. This brought to light another issue, the actual connection from the pin to the lead wires inside the box. At the moment the bare wire is just wrapped around the tack on the inside of the box. This is functional but no so reliable as time has revealed. So, a possible solution would be soldering the wire to the pins, but the solder would effectively lock the tacks into place. So Graham had the idea of using the conductive paint as a means of solidifying the connection.

So, with all that in mind, the MaKey MaKey Chord Board continues to evolve into a simpler, more intuitive and more durable project. Crazy to think that we still have about two weeks to refine our design, so the possibilities are wide open for the next iteration of the MMCB. Personally, it'd like to see a version made with a plastic project box using soldered connections. The project box could be a lot smaller than the MaKey MaKey box, maybe in the ball park of an iPhone for area, but with more depth. Anyhow, just an idea.

That's all for today, more video work tomorrow!